Thursday, 11 February 2010

Our Third and final poster

This was our third poster.

Our second poster.

this poster symbolises a girl accepting a sweet from a boy, this swewet has STD written on it because were showing how easy is it to catch an STD. BE AWARE.Wear a condom!

First of our final posters.

This was our final design, as we took so much time to design our last poster we thought that maybe a simple picture may give a bigger message, we took the picture of a snickers bar and edited it in photoshop .

Our final logo.

This was our final logo, we thoguht it was brilliant because it used both the signs for the boy and girls and symbolises both genders.

Final typography decision.

After all the searching for an appropriate typography we decided to use a children themed typography for our work, it took very long to find it but we eventually did.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Typography... :)

Typography is a major part in every project. It shows everything about a project.For example caligraphy textography means your doing a calm maybe posh project, where as Street typography or graffitti shows your trying to attract a young youthfull audiance.Our task today was to find a appropriate typography for our project, we will be testing some throughout the day.

Monday, 1 February 2010

This was our favourate idea and best picture mock up. This shows a couple in bed and a packet of what used to be M&Ms where we would use photoshop to insert the letter STD . It was clever whitty and quite Fun to produce.